Wir setzen uns leidenschaftlich dafür ein, dass Kinder und Jugendliche ihre Freizeit in einer sicheren und förderlichen Umgebung verbringen können. Unser Ziel ist es, ihnen Gelegenheit zur Erholung und persönlichem Wachstum zu schenken, jenseits ihrer vertrauten sozialen Umgebung.
Kinderschutz & Jugendwohlfahrt e.V.



The cozy recreation home Dünenhof is located in the dunes of Hörnum in striking distance of the beach. There are two houses available: The main house accommodates up to 43 persons, in the adjoining house there are two apartments and a common room.

For more information about the Dünenhof visit our Dünenhof-Website:


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In January 2006, the association Kinderschutz und Jugendwohlfahrt e.V. concluded the contract for the long-term use of the campsite with the city of Hamburg, in order to operate a youth camp there.

Since then, the JugendElbeCamp offers children and youth groups a place of recreation and nature in Hamburg. There is room for up to 40 children and adolescents in our group tents.

Information about the JugendElbeCamp can be found at:


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